दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि

A Southern Konkani Vocabulary Collection


Meanings of

  1. फाव तितलें  (adj.)
    Category: Adjectives for opinion, perception, impression
  2. भरती  (adj.)
    Category: Adjectives for condition of objects
  3. भरती  (adj.)
    Category: Adjectives for features of objects

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Adjectives for opinion, perception, impressionअभिप्राय, अनुभव, विचार संबंधित विशेषण
  1. \N
  2. able
  3. abundant
  4. acceptable
  5. achievable
  6. acquainted
  7. adequate
  8. affordable
  9. agreeable
  10. aimless
  11. akin
  12. alien
  13. alike
  14. alpha
  15. amusing
  16. annoying
  17. anticlockwise
  18. appropriate
  19. apt
  20. attainable
  21. aware
  22. awful
  23. bad
  24. baffling
  25. bearable
  26. befitting
  27. beneficial
  28. benefiting
  29. benignant
  30. best
  31. better
  32. blameworthy
  33. boring
  34. bungled
  35. capable
  36. cheap
  37. clever
  38. compatible
  39. competent
  40. complicated
  41. comprehensible
  42. concluded(arrive at a judgement or opinion by reasoning)
  43. confidential
  44. confusing
  45. conscious
  46. correct
  47. costly
  48. cryptic
  49. cursed
  50. customary
  51. decent
  52. decided
  53. defective
  54. deplorable
  55. deserved
  56. detestable
  57. dirt cheap
  58. dirty
  59. disadvantageous
  60. disgusting
  61. dismal
  62. disreputable
  63. dissimilar
  64. dreadful
  65. duplicate
  66. easy
  67. eligible
  68. enigmatic
  69. enjoyable
  70. equal
  71. erred
  72. erroneous
  73. evil
  74. excellent
  75. expensive
  76. experienced
  77. extremely(huge)
  78. failed
  79. familiar
  80. faulty
  81. fearful
  82. ferocious
  83. fierce
  84. filthy
  85. fine
  86. first rate
  87. fit
  88. fitting
  89. fit 
  90. foolish
  91. foreign
  92. fortuitous
  93. fortunate
  94. frightful
  95. fruitful
  96. gainful
  97. genteel
  98. ghastly
  99. good
  100. grim
  101. grisly
  102. grotesque
  103. gruesome
  104. harmful
  105. hideous
  106. high priced
  107. horrendous
  108. horrible
  109. horrid
  110. horrific
  111. horrifying
  112. humorous
  113. identical
  114. ignorant
  115. ill omened
  116. illogical
  117. impression
  118. improper
  119. impure
  120. inappropriate
  121. inauspicious
  122. incapable
  123. incorrect
  124. incredible
  125. inexact
  126. inexpensive
  127. inferred
  128. insurmountable
  129. interesting
  130. invaluable
  131. irrational
  132. just so
  133. knowing
  134. knowledgeable
  135. known
  136. lapsed
  137. loathsome
  138. lucid
  139. lucky
  140. lucrative
  141. matching
  142. meaningless
  143. missed
  144. mistaken
  145. monotonous
  146. moralistic
  147. mucky
  148. mysterious
  149. mystifying
  150. nice
  151. noble
  152. nonessential
  153. not compatible
  154. noxious
  155. obscene
  156. of premium quality
  157. opinion
  158. opposite
  159. perception
  160. perplexing
  161. pointless
  162. popular
  163. precious
  164. presumed
  165. profitable
  166. proper
  167. puzzling
  168. reasonable
  169. reckoned
  170. resembling
  171. right
  172. rightful
  173. senior
  174. severe
  175. similar
  176. simply
  177. sordid
  178. speculated
  179. spoiled
  180. strange
  181. suitable
  182. superior
  183. superlative
  184. surmised
  185. surmountable
  186. surprising
  187. tasty
  188. tedious
  189. terrible
  190. treasured
  191. unable
  192. unaccountable
  193. unaffordable
  194. unbearable
  195. unchaste
  196. understandable
  197. undesirable
  198. undignified
  199. unfamiliar
  200. unknown
  201. unmatched
  202. unprofitable
  203. unreasonable
  204. unseemly
  205. unsuitable
  206. unsuited
  207. untouchable
  208. unwanted
  209. useful
  210. useless
  211. vain
  212. valuable
  213. valueless
  214. vicious
  215. vile
  216. wholesome
  217. with all the relevant good traits and characteristics
  218. worse
  219. worst
  220. worthless
  221. worthy
  222. wrong
  223. wrongful
  224.  accurate
  225.  error-free
  226.  errorless
  227.  exact
  228.  faithful
  229.  faultless
  230.  flawless
  231.  meticulous
  232.  perfect
  233.  precise
  234.  scrupulous
  235.  strict
  236.  true
  237.  unerring
  238.  word-perfect
Adjectives for condition of objectsवस्तूंची अवस्था संबंधित विशेषण
  1. abandoned
  2. abraded
  3. accurate
  4. acquired
  5. adequate
  6. adjacent
  7. adjoined
  8. alive
  9. almost empty
  10. amputated
  11. annihilated
  12. applied(batter or paste)
  13. assaulted
  14. attached
  15. banged
  16. barred
  17. baseless
  18. beaded
  19. beaten flat
  20. besmeared
  21. blanketed
  22. blazed
  23. bloated
  24. blocked
  25. blown
  26. bored
  27. brimming
  28. broiled
  29. broken
  30. bruised
  31. bulging
  32. buried
  33. burnt
  34. burst
  35. busted
  36. calmed
  37. cankered
  38. capsized
  39. chafed
  40. chopped
  41. cleaned
  42. cleansed
  43. cleaved
  44. closed
  45. coated
  46. coiled
  47. collected
  48. combed
  49. compressed
  50. connected
  51. controlled
  52. covered
  53. cracked
  54. cramped
  55. cremated (dead body)
  56. crumbled
  57. crushed
  58. curbed
  59. cut
  60. cut out for
  61. dabbed
  62. damaged
  63. dampened
  64. daubed
  65. decrepit
  66. demolished
  67. dented
  68. destroyed
  69. detached(separate from its moorings)
  70. detonated
  71. dilapidated
  72. dirt poor
  73. dirty
  74. dislodged
  75. dispersed
  76. disrobed(clothes)
  77. doused
  78. draining
  79. dried
  80. drilled
  81. dripping
  82. dropped
  83. dry and empty
  84. dusted
  85. earned
  86. empty
  87. encircled
  88. enough
  89. entwined
  90. envyied
  91. eroded
  92. erupted
  93. extinguished
  94. extracted (tamarind pulp)
  95. face down
  96. festered
  97. filled
  98. filled out
  99. filled up
  100. fit
  101. fitted
  102. fitted tight
  103. fixed
  104. flattened
  105. folded
  106. foul
  107. frayed
  108. fried
  109. full
  110. gained
  111. gathered
  112. gleaned(gather leftover grain after a harvest)
  113. good for nothing
  114. grated
  115. ground
  116. ground
  117. hammered
  118. hauled
  119. heaped
  120. hewed
  121. hit
  122. hollow
  123. hurled
  124. immolated
  125. immovable
  126. infested with fungus
  127. inflated
  128. injected
  129. injured by friction
  130. inverted
  131. involved
  132. jammed in
  133. joined
  134. laid about gathering dust
  135. laundered
  136. laundered
  137. leaky
  138. leaning
  139. liberated
  140. lively
  141. living
  142. loosened
  143. low and flattish(utensil)
  144. lugged
  145. mangled
  146. mashed
  147. maturated
  148. milled
  149. misplaced
  150. mouldy
  151. mounded
  152. movable
  153. new
  154. new(cloth)
  155. not ripe
  156. of poor quality
  157. open
  158. overflowed
  159. overflowing
  160. overturned
  161. oxidised
  162. pared(peel in small pieces)
  163. pasted
  164. percolating
  165. perforated
  166. perished
  167. petals of flowers etc.)
  168. picked at
  169. picked up
  170. pierced
  171. piled
  172. pinned
  173. pitched away
  174. plucked (feathers
  175. plump
  176. poked
  177. polluted
  178. pounded
  179. poured
  180. pouring
  181. powdered
  182. pressed
  183. pricked
  184. pricked
  185. prone
  186. puffed
  187. pulled out (the petals or leaves)
  188. pulverised
  189. pulverized
  190. put
  191. put out
  192. raised
  193. released
  194. removed
  195. rent
  196. restrained
  197. restricted
  198. reversed
  199. rigid
  200. rinsed
  201. ripped
  202. roasted
  203. rolled(or pull or push things about)
  204. ruined
  205. ruptured
  206. sautéed
  207. scalded(injure with hot liquid or steam)
  208. scattered
  209. scorched (in sun)
  210. scoured and washed(vessels)
  211. scraped
  212. scraped
  213. scratched
  214. scrubbed
  215. seared
  216. septic
  217. settled
  218. shattered
  219. shrivelled
  220. shuttered
  221. skimmed
  222. slayed
  223. slightly damp
  224. smashed
  225. smeared
  226. smoked
  227. smothered
  228. smudged
  229. snapped
  230. soiled
  231. spilled
  232. spilt
  233. split
  234. spoilt
  235. spread
  236. squashed
  237. squeezed
  238. squished
  239. stacked
  240. stale
  241. starved (fig)
  242. stiff
  243. strewed
  244. striped off
  245. strung
  246. stuck
  247. subdued
  248. sufficient
  249. sullen(face)
  250. suppressed
  251. suppressed by weight
  252. surrounded
  253. swelled
  254. swollen
  255. tailor made
  256. tarnished
  257. tattered
  258. taut
  259. teetering
  260. tender(fruits/vegetables/wound etc.)
  261. termite ridden
  262. threadbare
  263. thrown
  264. thumped
  265. tight
  266. tightened
  267. toasted
  268. torn
  269. torn(hair)
  270. touched
  271. trapped
  272. trendy
  273. tugged
  274. turned over and over
  275. turned upside down
  276. twisted
  277. unbuckled
  278. unbuttoned
  279. uncompleted
  280. unfastened
  281. unfinished
  282. unhitched
  283. unstable
  284. unsteady
  285. untangled( hair)
  286. unwilling
  287. upset
  288. useless
  289. vivid
  290. walloped
  291. washed
  292. wasted
  293. whisked
  294. whittled(chip off little by little)
  295. wilted
  296. winnowed
  297. wobbling
  298. worn
  299. worn out
  300. worse
  301. wrapped up
  302. wrung
Adjectives for features of objectsसामानांचीं वैशिष्टां संबंधित विशेषण
  1. adequate
  2. affixed
  3. applied
  4. arranged a link up with someone
  5. artificial
  6. audible
  7. bad
  8. barricading
  9. besmeared
  10. biodegradable
  11. blocking
  12. blotched
  13. bogus
  14. borrowed
  15. bought
  16. braided
  17. break in (new vessels)
  18. breakable
  19. brittle
  20. broken
  21. bursting
  22. counterfeit
  23. cracking
  24. crinkled
  25. crumpled
  26. dangling
  27. deadly
  28. delicate(cloth)
  29. detached
  30. detailed
  31. disruptive
  32. docile
  33. easily spoiled
  34. elaborate
  35. exaggerated
  36. excess
  37. expansive
  38. extensive
  39. fabricated
  40. fake
  41. false
  42. fastened
  43. fed (a baby)
  44. feigned
  45. fexible
  46. fictitious
  47. firm
  48. fit
  49. fixed
  50. flabby
  51. flowered
  52. foamy
  53. foldable
  54. forged
  55. fragile
  56. frothy
  57. gyrated
  58. half-hearted
  59. hanging
  60. hard
  61. hardened
  62. harsh
  63. hastily worn(garments)
  64. hindering
  65. hired
  66. hitched
  67. imperfect
  68. imposing
  69. inflexible
  70. interlaced
  71. intertwined
  72. interweaved
  73. juicy
  74. knit
  75. lathery
  76. leased
  77. leftover
  78. leftover of food partaken by someone
  79. leisurely
  80. let
  81. lighted (fire or lamp)
  82. loose
  83. luscious
  84. lush
  85. malleable
  86. mediocre(not exceptional)second rate
  87. mock
  88. modern
  89. new
  90. newish
  91. nonresistant
  92. not durable
  93. not long-lasting
  94. not strong(articles)
  95. not sturdy
  96. not well built
  97. numbed
  98. obstructive
  99. original
  100. painted
  101. perishable
  102. phony
  103. plaited
  104. pledged
  105. pliable
  106. pointed
  107. poisonous
  108. polished
  109. polluted
  110. polluted (by eating)
  111. poorly made
  112. porous
  113. powdery
  114. powerless
  115. pretended
  116. puffed
  117. pulverised
  118. purchased
  119. remaining
  120. rented
  121. revolved
  122. ribbed
  123. rigid
  124. rotated
  125. ruined
  126. rumpled
  127. sagging
  128. screw like
  129. seasoned
  130. separated
  131. set
  132. sewn
  133. shaky
  134. sharp
  135. shoddy
  136. short-lived
  137. sizable
  138. slack
  139. slightly new
  140. slipshod(not well done)
  141. smeared(pastes)
  142. smooth
  143. soft
  144. softened( new vessels for cooking)
  145. solid
  146. solidified
  147. spare
  148. spiral
  149. spread
  150. spun
  151. spun (yarn for wick)
  152. spurious
  153. stained
  154. stiff
  155. stitched
  156. stripped
  157. strong
  158. sturdy
  159. submissive
  160. succulent
  161. sudsy
  162. sufficient
  163. suitable
  164. supple
  165. surplus
  166. suspended
  167. swinging
  168. thatched(roof)
  169. thin
  170. thriving
  171. tight
  172. torrential
  173. touched
  174. tough
  175. toxic
  176. trendy
  177. turned
  178. undulating
  179. uninterested
  180. unreal
  181. unsturdy
  182. unsupple
  183. weak
  184. whorled
  185. woven
  186. wrinkled
  187. yielding