दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि

A Southern Konkani Vocabulary Collection


Meanings of

meaningless talk
  1. झांकि  (n.)
    Category: Uncountable nouns
  2. बडबड  (n.)
    Category: Onomatopoeic nouns

Related matches for

meaningless talk
Uncountable nounsअगणित संज्ञा
  1. word
  2. account
  3. address
  4. adornment
  5. affray
  6. aggravation
  7. air bubble
  8. altercation
  9. anecdote
  10. answer
  11. argument
  12. attire
  13. bad mouthing
  14. barrier
  15. bath
  16. bend
  17. beverage
  18. bickering
  19. bonfire
  20. borrowal
  21. burglary
  22. burn
  23. burn by fire
  24. burnt pyre
  25. cantankerousness
  26. caper
  27. chanting
  28. cheeky words
  29. circumambulation
  30. clapping
  31. clash
  32. clasp
  33. cling
  34. coat
  35. coating
  36. coil
  37. confiscation
  38. conflict
  39. conversation
  40. corner
  41. cow dung water
  42. credit
  43. criticalness
  44. cross-legged position
  45. cursing
  46. curve
  47. cuss words
  48. dance
  49. decoration
  50. degree
  51. dent
  52. dint
  53. dip
  54. dirt
  55. dissension
  56. drink
  57. drivel
  58. eminence or wealth(fig)
  59. escalation
  60. facial expression
  61. fainting
  62. feast
  63. feat
  64. fight
  65. filth
  66. foul language
  67. fray
  68. gambol
  69. garbage
  70. gibberish
  71. giddiness
  72. grip
  73. handwritten manuscript
  74. hindrance
  75. horse play
  76. hot summer days
  77. humanity
  78. hurdle
  79. impediment
  80. impertinent talk
  81. impounding
  82. incense smoke
  83. indentation
  84. insolent words
  85. invectives
  86. jabber
  87. larceny
  88. lease
  89. leavings
  90. lecture
  91. leftover of food
  92. lisp
  93. lisping talk
  94. loan
  95. lottery
  96. massage
  97. matter
  98. meaningless talk
  99. mode of walk
  100. monologue
  101. mortgage
  102. narrative
  103. nickname
  104. noise
  105. obscenity
  106. obstacle
  107. obstruction
  108. occupation
  109. offerings
  110. oration
  111. pawn
  112. persistant crying
  113. pilferage
  114. pilfering
  115. playful gymnastics
  116. playful stunt
  117. pledged objects
  118. pointed tip
  119. polluted food
  120. position
  121. pounce
  122. poverty
  123. profanity
  124. promise
  125. puckering
  126. purloining
  127. quarrel
  128. quencher
  129. ramble
  130. reply
  131. response
  132. restive crying
  133. riches
  134. robbery
  135. row
  136. saunter
  137. scorch
  138. scuffle
  139. sear
  140. seizure
  141. singe
  142. skirmish
  143. slumber
  144. small unimportant things
  145. smile
  146. snatch
  147. speech
  148. stammering
  149. status
  150. stealing
  151. sting by fire
  152. strife
  153. stroll
  154. stumbling block
  155. stumbling-block
  156. support
  157. swear words
  158. swoop
  159. tale
  160. talk
  161. tempering
  162. theft
  163. thieving
  164. toddy
  165. trash
  166. trivial stuff
  167. turning
  168. urine stain
  169. utterance
  170. verbal abuse
  171. walk
  172. waste
  173. wealth
  174. whimpering
  175. word
  176. work
  177. worsening
  178. wrestling
Onomatopoeic nounsशब्दानुकरण- संज्ञा
  1. ache
  2. acute pain
  3. altercation
  4. anger
  5. arrogance
  6. avaricious person
  7. babble
  8. bauble
  9. bickering
  10. birdsongs
  11. blab
  12. blinking
  13. boiling
  14. brightness
  15. bubbling
  16. burning sensation
  17. cackle
  18. ceaseless chatter
  19. chatter
  20. chattering
  21. chirping
  22. chortle
  23. chuckle
  24. commotion
  25. complaining
  26. complaint
  27. conniption
  28. contemptuousness
  29. convulsive laughter
  30. convulsive pain
  31. crackle
  32. craving
  33. creak
  34. croaking sound
  35. crumbs
  36. crunch
  37. curry
  38. discord
  39. disorder
  40. drawl
  41. drizzle
  42. ebullition
  43. farting sound
  44. fermentation
  45. fittings
  46. flapping
  47. flutter
  48. fragments
  49. fretful whimpering
  50. fretting
  51. fretting and fuming
  52. friskiness
  53. frolicsomeness
  54. furniture wood
  55. garrulity
  56. gibber
  57. glamour
  58. gleam
  59. gleeful laughter
  60. glimmer
  61. glitter
  62. gloss
  63. glow
  64. gluttony
  65. grumble
  66. grumbling
  67. grumblings
  68. grumpiness
  69. gush
  70. guzzling sound
  71. harangue
  72. heat
  73. heavy flow
  74. high spirited state
  75. hodgepodge
  76. hooting
  77. hotchpotch
  78. hungering person
  79. hurry
  80. indignation
  81. irritating pain
  82. itch
  83. jiggling
  84. jingling sound
  85. joyful sounds
  86. knickknack
  87. light drizzle
  88. light rain
  89. lightening flash
  90. longing
  91. loose motion
  92. loud and indignant complaints
  93. lustre
  94. madness
  95. meaningless talk
  96. miniature toys
  97. mischief
  98. mistake
  99. muddle
  100. murmur
  101. muslin
  102. muttering
  103. naughtiness
  104. negation
  105. nuisance
  106. odds and ends
  107. overbearing behaviour
  108. palpitation
  109. paroxysm of pain
  110. parts(dismantled or broken parts)
  111. peevish talk
  112. pieces
  113. playfulness
  114. pounding pain
  115. prattle
  116. pricking pain
  117. problem
  118. protest by grumbling
  119. racket
  120. radiance
  121. rattle
  122. rattling sound
  123. ravenous eating
  124. ravenous person
  125. ready affirmation
  126. refusal
  127. regret
  128. remorse
  129. repentance
  130. responsiveness to stimuli
  131. restless blabbering with anger
  132. restlessness
  133. ripple
  134. rustle
  135. scraping sound
  136. searing sound
  137. self-important behaviour
  138. sensitivity
  139. sheen
  140. shimmer
  141. shine
  142. shivering
  143. shooting pain
  144. shreds
  145. shrubbery
  146. shuddering
  147. sizzling sound
  148. slight fever
  149. slipperiness
  150. sloshing sound
  151. slurping sound
  152. slushiness
  153. small pieces
  154. smarting pain
  155. smithereens
  156. sough
  157. sound
  158. sound of deep frying
  159. sound of drizzle
  160. sound of free passing of urine
  161. sparkle
  162. spasm
  163. squabble
  164. squeak
  165. squirm
  166. stinging pain
  167. strong fragrance
  168. suffering
  169. surge
  170. temper tantrums
  171. throbbing pain
  172. thumping
  173. tickling sensation
  174. tiff
  175. tingling sensation
  176. tinkling sound
  177. tiny bits
  178. trembling
  179. trifle
  180. trinket
  181. trouble
  182. tumult
  183. vehemence
  184. vehement display of discontent
  185. vehement ranting
  186. vexation
  187. wafting fragrance
  188. whirligig
  189. whispering
  190. wiggling
  191. worldly wisdom
  192. wrangle
  193. writhing pain
  194. yearning